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US State Department responsible for the arrest of the CEO of Telegram ... CRIMINAL: First, Pfizer made billions off deadly COVID “vaccines.” ... New Zealand scraps food safety laws to allow unlabeled lab-grown meat to be sold ... Anthony Fauci, one of the biggest proponents of releasing GMO mosquitoes, was hospitalized with the "deadly" West Nile virus ... The medical consensus is crumbling as plastic surgeons increasingly oppose "gender reassignment" treatments for minors ... Actor Ben Stiller actively participates in the campaign of Kamala Harris and has his own slogan that reads "I wish I was black". ... Trump will rehire military who were kicked out for not taking the jab, with backpay and an apology. ... Is there new ATM technology coming that will require vaccine compliance before you can access bank funds? ... After the controversial photo that was leaked recently, the public is now really right to ask if Brigitte Macron is actually a man? ... South African vaccine victims group warns against widespread use of experimental Mpox vaccines and warns of real consequences ... Dr. Robert Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism ... German Doctor Exposes Monkey Pox Scam: Says It's a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect ... Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an extremely interesting decree ... Jack Ryan: Aussie dies suddenly while on gap year in the UK, as friends fundraise to bring him home ... Censored Study: Covid Shots Permanently Alter DNA of Vaxxed & Offspring ... Prominent lawyer Meike Terhorst warns of the danger of digital EU Covid certificates ... Western media are silent! A PEOPLE'S Uprising has begun in Ukraine against Zelensky - Everything is burning all over the country (VIDEO) ... Beyond Meat is sinking deeper and deeper into debt because no one wants to eat fake meat ...

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