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Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has bad news for vaccinees and says how long the mRNA injections will continue to harm their bodies ... A shocking discovery: Graphene also found in dental anesthetics ... Whitney Webb: BlackRock Is HIDING This From You - Bitcoin Prediction ... Bill Gates and his colleagues literally want us to eat tumors ... Morrissey calls out Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Dr Fauci ... Google censors search for assassination attempt on Trump ... Kamala Harris Suggests Young People Maybe Shouldn't Have Children Because of 'Climate Change' ... Morning Reporter Matt Stewart announces he has Cancer - His Wife has also developed Cancer - 💔 ... After the LGBTQ freak show at the opening of the Olympic Games, now Paris has been hit by a major power outage ... This is the man responsible for turning the Paris Olympics into Satanic ritual ... Dr. Peter Hotez calls for the use of the police and the military against 'anti-vaccine aggression'. ... Journalist Matt Driscoll (43) has died suddenly after proudly getting vaccinated and promoting the shot through his reporting in Washington State ... Pfizer and Moderna enhancers contain plasmid DNA ... Top Pilot Testifies: 'Bill Gates Is Fumigating Cities With Mood Altering Chemtrails' ... Mass migrant riots in Leeds, England: Immigrants take over the streets ... WEF Order Govt’s To Strip Parents of All Rights: 'Children Belong to the State' ... Canada's 'National Citizens' Inquiry' seeks accountability for Covid vaccine ... Workers in germany can only dream about this: New luxury apartments for migrants ...

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